Family | Inscription | Approx- imate location |
CASEY | IHS | here lyes ye body | of Thomas CASEY who | depd this life January | ye 28th 1788 aged 72 | Also his fond [son?] Thoms | who died January | ye 28 1788 aged 11 yrs | also his daughter Elen | who was interd Septer ye | 25 1790 aged 48 yre | may they rest in peace | Amen | |
CLANCY | Here lies the | body of ---- | CLANCY who depd | life March, 4 ??? | at age 70 | |
CLERY | Sacred | to the memory of | Mary CLERY alias BOURKE | of Ballyculane | who departed this life | on the 17th day of July 187? | aged 33 years and 8 months | |
COLLINS | Erected by John COLLINS | in memory of his | father Michael COLLINS | who depd life May 26 | 1822 aged 75 yrs also | his brother Michael | COLLINS who departed life | January 8, 1806 aged __ | |
COLLINS | To | loving memory of | Josephene COLLINS | Bullincurra, Bulgaden | died Dec 22, 1882 | aged 83 yrs | |
COLLOPY | Ert by Edm COLLOPY | mem of his wife Elen Ful- | herton died July 6 1794 | agd 77 years | |
COOK | Erected by | Mrs Ellen COOK alias ENGLISH | in memory of her beloved | husband William COOK of Bulgaden who died the 20th | of November 1866 aged 61 years | |
COOK | Erected by Catherine COOK | made to the memory of | her beloved husband Richd | COOK who depd life December | the 17th 1817 aged 45 yrs | |
COOKE | IHS | This stone was erected | by Nicholas COOKE in me | mory of his daughter | Mary Leaherghalias COOK | who departed this life | October the 12th 1784 | aged 38 years | may the Lord have mercy of her soul | |
COOKE | Here are deposited the body of | Reverend Richard COOKE P. P. of Donoughmore he was born the _ | October 1812 and died the 6 of April 1886 | |
COOKE | This tomb was erected | to the memory of Nicholas COOKE and family | by | his daughter | Mary COOKE of Brisheen | aug 23rd 1878 | |
COOKE | This stone was erected | by Nicholas COOKE in me | mory of his daughter | Mary Leaherghalias COOK | who departed this life | October 12th 1784 | aged 38 years | |
COOKE | Erected by | Mrs COOKE of Bottomstown | in memory of her husband | Nicholas COOKE who died | April the 18th 1840 aged 74 yrs | also her daughter Nmargaret COOKE died January 6, 1846 aged 21 years also | to her daughter Joanna died July 6th 1846 aged 15 years | |
COOKE | Sacred | to the memory of | Nicholas COOKE | of Bottomstown | who died 16th March 1842 | aged 70 years | also his wife Margaret COOKE | died 1st May 1852 aged 78 years | his daughter Catherine WALSH died 30th December 1879 aged 73 years | and his son James COOKE | died 7th December 1886 aged 70 years | also his son John COOKE | died 11th October 1887 aged 74 years | |
DEELY | Erected by | William DEELY Bulgadin | as a tribute of parental affection | to his dearly beloved son | John | who died 22th July 1888 | aged 28 yrs | also his childeren | Kate died 12th June 1878 aged 30 yrs | James died 2nd Decr 1879 | Nicholas died 26th Oct 1877 aged 22 yrs | |
DESMOND | Here lieth the body | of Wm DESMOND | who departed this life July 3d 1809 aged | 50 yrs may he | rest in pace | amen | erected ny his wife Gwhenn KEEFE | |
HASSETT | Erected | by | James HASSETT | Bulgaden in memory | of his daughter | Ellen LEONARD | who died Sept 9, 1877 | __ | |
LEAHY | Here lyeth ye | body of Cath | erine LEAHY | decasd ye 3r of | August 1780 | aged 20 yrs | Pray for her soul | |
MADDEN | Erected by Patrick | MADDEN in memory of | his brother Thomas? MADDEN | who died August 4th 1797 | aged 35 Years may he | rest in peace amen | |
ODEA | Of your charity | pray for the souls of | John and William ODEA | John | died Jany 14, 1867 | aged 55 yrs | William | April 26, 1867 | aged 60 yrs | |
ODEA | Erected | by | John & Patrick ODEA | in memory of their father | John ODEA | who died Feb 12, 1862 | aged 80 yrs | also their mother | Honora ODEA } died Feb 16, 1878 | aged 78 yrs | |
ROCHE | IHS | here lyes the | body of Thomas | ROCHE who | departed y life | the 9th day of | February 1741 | aged 70 years | |
ROCHE | [Large three pannel monument aparently composed of some recycled stones with some recently added new inscriptions left most pannel] Lawrence ROCHE | died 7 July 1961 | Timothy ROCHE | died 20 Jan 1963 | Mrs Mary ROCHE | died 25 Aug 1978 || Here lyeth the body of | the Revd Patrick ROCH who | departed this life May 3d | 1786 erected by his brother | Laurence ROCHE he begs | that all will pray who shall | see that eternal bliss his | soul may be Aged 48 yrs | the Very Rev Patrick ROCHE | was Vicar General of the | Limerick Diocese and Parish | Priest of Kilmallock and | brother of Laurence ROCHE | senr Esqr | Rathcannon | |
ROCHE | [middle pannel] ROCHEs family burial place in Kilmartin | Church | This monument was erected in memory of | Laurence ROCHE Senr Rsqr of Rathcannon | who died 19 January 1837 in the 99th year of | his age also Mrs Honora ROCHE alias RYAN | his wife who died 5 February 1832 in the 88 | year of her age his son Thomas ROCHE Esqr | of Rathcannon died 1 April 1837 aged 67 yrs | and his wife Mrs Catherine ROCHE alias | SARSFIELD died on the 15th June 1817 aged 44 yrs | Laurence ROCHE Esqr Junr of Trenloise House | died 7 October 1837 in the 57 year of his age | his son Patrick ROCHE Esqr of Ballyhubba died | 13 May 1837 in the 32 year of his age Mrs | Honora Faeralia ROCHE died 12th January | 1845 aged 51 years and Miss Honora RYAN | daughter of Edmond RYAN Esqr of Cross | Cottage died July 20th 1811 aged 16 years John | ROCHE Esqr of Colomus died June 4th 1759 aged | 60 years and Mary his wife died Feb 24 1755 | aged 46 years the above John and Mary | ROCHE was father and mother to Laurence | ROCHE Esqr Senr of Rathcannon | Timothy ROCHE | died April 25 2000 aged 35 yrs | |
ROCHE | [Third pannel] Michael ROCHE Ballinanona | died Nov 1888 aged 73 yrs | His wife Sarah ROCHE | died June 12th 1888 aged 69 yrs || IHS | here lyeth the | body of the Rev | John ROCHE who | departed this life | September 22d | 1806 aged 48 years | May he pest in peace | Amen The Revd | John ROCHE was parish | priest of St Patrick & | Monaleen Limk Diocese | Erected by Patrick ROCHE | cut by Martin | CORDON? | |
ROCHE | It is holy and wholesome | thought to pray for the dead | that they may be loosed from | their sins 2 Macabees xii 46 | Erected by Michael Laurence | ROCHE Senr in memory of his | son Michael ROCHE junr | solicitor who departed thia | life on the 24 day of May 1840 | aged 28 years and also his | beloved wife Mary ROCHE | alias LYNCH who died on the | 30 day of may 1852 aged 70 years | |
ROCHE | Sacred | to the memory | of | Mrs Patt L ROCHE | who died September 5th 1855 | aged 36 years | requiescat in pace | |
ROCHE | Here lieth the | body of John | ROCHE who de | parted this life | June the 4th 1759 | aged 60 years & | also his wife Mary | departed this life 7br the 24th | 1753 aged 46 | years | |
TURNER | IHS | erected by | Patrick TURNER of | Ardkilmartin| in memory of his father | Daniel TURNER who died | Decr 13th 1869 aged 69 yrs | also his mother Margaret | TURNER who died Octr 14th | 1872 aged 74 years and his | sister Catherine MEANY | who died Feby 3d 1860 | aged 24 yrs | may they rest in peace Amen |
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