Family | Inscription | Approx- imate location |
LEAHY | Erected by | John LEAHY of Martinstown | to the memory of his father | Mathew LEAHY | who depd life March 10th 1837 | aged 75 yrs Also his mother | Johanna LEAHY als RING | depd life April 12th 1846 aged 70 yrs | and his daughter Johanna died | May 6th 1832 aged 5 yrs | |
LEAHY | Erected by | Patrick LEAHY | in memory of his son | Roger LEAHY | died Feby 23rd 1873 | aged 20 years | James LEAHY | died Oct 23rd 1941 aged 22 | John P LEAHY | died Jan 11th 1952 aged 92 | reqiescat [sic] in pace | |
LEAHY | Erected by Patrick | LEAHY in memory of his | son Thomas LEAHY who depd | life Dec Ye 14 1800 aged 25 | may his soul rest un peace Amen | |
LEAHY | Erected by John LEAHY of | Tielmore in memory of his | beloved wife Johanah LEAHY | who depargted life the 29 of | July 1849 aged 58 years | Also in memory of his son | Roger LEAHY who departd | life the 2 of April 1858 aged ?8 | |
REIDY | Here lies the body of | Patk REIDY who departed | this life Novr 26th in the year | of our Lord 1786 aged | 61 yrs erected by his | son John REIDY | |
O'BRION | Erected by | Patk O'BRION | of Kilfinan in memory | of his father Danl O'BRION | of Knockaney who | depd life Feb 1st 1793 aged | 78 years | May his soul rest in peace Amen | Also his own burial place | |
O'BRIEN | Here lies the body | of Juliana O'BRIEN | who died June | 1st 1773 | aged 6 years | requiescat in pace | |
HICKEY | Erected by | Andrw HICKEY | of Garrenderk | as a tributed to his mother | Ellen HICKEY als HENNESY | who depd life Macrh 1823 | aged 76 yrs Also his son Michl | depd life March 25th 1832 | aged 25 yrs | May the Lord have mercy on | their souls | |
CAREY | This testamony of sorrow | was erected by | Andrew CAREY | in memory of his father | John CAREY | who depd life Sept 20th 1813? | Aged 34 yrs | may his soul rest in peace |
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