Family | Inscription | Approx- imate location |
DESMOND | Erected by | Mary & John DESMOND | the beloved wife and son | of John DESMOND | whi depd life Sepr 27th 1869 | agd 60 years | may his soul rest in peace Amen | |
HARRIS | Erected by Margaret REGAN in memory of her husband | William HARRIS Esquire of | Ballycuskerrs who departed | this life July the 4th 1824 aged | 81 yrs may his soul rest in peace | amen | |
AHERN | Erected by | Margt AHERN in memory of | her father John AHERN | who depd life May 13th 1822 | aged 68 yrs also her mother Mary AHERN alis HICKEY depd | life July 31st 1824 aged 60 yrs | also her brother Thos AHERN | who depd life Janry 8th 1840 agd | ??? and his wife Bridget | AHERN who depd life Janry 16th 1840 | |
BOURKE | This testimony of sorrow | was erected by | Thomas BOURKE of Ballypierce | in memory of his belovd son Thomas BOURKE who depd this life Febry 5th | 1833 aged 20 yrs | may his soul rest in peace amen | [poem] | Charles BOLSTER F | |
FENTON | This testimony of sorrow | was erected by | Catherine FENTON alis SHEEHAN | in memory of her belovd husbnd | Willm FENTON who | depd life July 6th 1837 aged 38 | also her father-in-law | Wm FENTON depd life | in Feby 1835 aged | 87 yrs | |
CULHANE | this monument was erected | by James CULHANE of Corrough | in memory of his father John | who departed life Sep 7th 1814 | aged 58 years | also his sister Jullia CULHANE | who departed life Nov 8th 1835 | aged 22 years | … | |
FOLEY | This monument | has been erected by | Honora FOLEY | in memory of her belovd husband | Maurice FOLEY | of Garrinderk | who depd life Febry the 8th 1`837 | aged 80 yrs | blessed are they who die in the Lord | |
COWHY | Erected by Michl | COWHY in memory | of his father William | COWHY who depd life | April y 23rd 1809 aged | 47 yrs also his mother | Ellen WOODS als COWHY | depd life April ye 11th | 1811 aged 39 yrs also his | … | |
LINAHAN | Here lies the body of | Tim LINAHAN | eldest son of William | LINAHAN of Annagh | who departed this life | April ye 9th 1777 aged 21 | years & six months | also the body of | his mother Gulina als | LINCH who departed | this life September 7th | 1780 | |
HASSETT | Erected by Ellen HASSETT | alias FIRZGERALD in memory | of her beloved husband | John HASSETT whose body | lies here waiting as hoped a glorious resurection died | the 11th of July 1806 aged 44 | may his soul rest in peace amen | |
SIMCOX | Erected | by | Nathaniel SIMCOX | Churchtown in memory | of his beloved wife | Catherine | who died 19th Febry 1858 | aged 64 yrs also he father | Mr. John HEFFERNAN | who died 12th Novr 1838 | aged 76 yrs | requiescant in pase amen |
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