Family | Inscription | Approx- imate location |
SMYTH | Erected by | Ellen SMYTH alias FLYNN | in memory of her husband | Richd SMYTH | who depd life May 2nd 1857 | aged 67 yrs | Also her father in law | Richard SMYTH depd life Decr | 26 1834 aged 75 yrs Also her | brother in law Michl SMYTH | depd file Janry 5th 1823 aged 26yrs | Also her daughter Ellen depd life | April 15th 1849 aged 14 yrs | May they rest in peace Amen | |
SMYTH | In loving memory of | Richard SMYTH | Kilbreedy East | Kilmallock | Died Dec 12 1941 | his wife Catherine | died Jan 11 1957 | their son-in-law | Mark MCNAMARA | Castletown | died Sept 29 1992 | his son John | died May 12th 2000 | his mother Hannah | died June 10th 2005 | R I P | erected by the | MCNAMARA family | |
CLIFFORD | To | the memory of Revd John CLIFFORD | R C C | son of Michale CLIFFORD Kilbreedy | who died Decr 31st 1846 | young in years but mature in virtue | he began and ended his mission | in the short space of eleven months | aged 26th | may he rest in peace | erected by his parents Michl & Johanna CLIFFORD | |
O'MALLEY | In loving memory | of | Patrick O'MALLEY | Laurencetown | Ballinlyna Kilfinane | died 4 Nov 1968 | aged 56 years |
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