Family | Inscription | Approx- imate location |
BENNETT | Erected | by | Thomas H BENNETT | to the memory of his uncle | Thomas Furnell BENNETT | died Jany 15th 1886 aged 85 yrs | |
FITZGERALD | Sacred | to the memory | of | William FITZGERALD | who departed this life | March 25th 1810 aged 30 yrs | also his wife | ??ally FITZGERALD | alais CLEARY who died | February 19th 1850 aged 60 years | |
FITZGERALD | Erected by Gerard | FITZGERALD of Kilfinane | in memory of his wife | Elizabeth FITZGERALD | who depd life December | 17th 1805 aged 32 years | |
HENNESSY | In loving memory of | Thomas HENNESSY | Ballinanima | died August 19, 1954 | his Aunt Kate CONDON | died May 1, 1931 [from photo by George D Appel] | |
HENNESSY | In loving memory of | David HENNESSY | Spring Lodge | died September 5, 1964 | His mother Mary | died August 27, 1934 [from photo by George D Appel] | |
MCKOY | Erected by Danl MCKOY | in memory fo his mother | Margaret MCKOY alais NUNAN | who depd life June ye 16 | 1786 aged 59 yrs | may her soul rst in peace Amen | |
MORRISON | To the memory | of John MORRISSON | who departed life | October 19th 1841 | aged 60 years | also his wife | Hanora MORRISSON | alias SHEEDY | who departed life | Jan 23rd 1842 | aged 60 | years | may they rest in peace | amen | |
PARSONS | IHS | In | loving memory of | Johnanna C PARSONS | died March 22, 1974 | her mother | Margaret HENNESSY | nee HOWELL MORONEY | died Feb 5 1952 | Aged 85 yrs [from photo by George D Appel] | |
PEARCE | PEARCE | In | loving memory of | our dear mother | Julia PEARCE nee CONDON | died 2nd may 1963 [from photo by George D Appel] | |
PRUDENCE | Erected by | Jane PRUDENCE in memory of her husband James | PRUDENCE who left her to | deplore her loss of an affectionate | husband he departed Oct | the 12th 1806 aged 40 years | |
RICKARD | This stone was erected by Margt | RICKARD als O'BRIEN in memory | of her beloved husband William | who departed life ??? | 1842 aged 61 years | also | |
SHEEDY | IHS | In | loving memory of | John SHEEDY, Thomastown | died Feb. 14 1940, aged 75 yrs | His wife Mary SHEEDY | died Sept 23 1943, aged 79 yrs | Mary CONDON | died jan 6 1919, aged 22 yrs | Catherine SHEEDY | died Nov 27 1973, aged 60 yrs | John SHEEDY | died July 12 1978 | R.I.P. | SHEEDY [from photo by George D Appel] | |
SHERIDAN | This testament of sorrow | was erected by | Mary SHERIDAN als PHAYER in memory of her husband | Richard SHERIDAN | who depd life May 29th 1826 | aged 45 yrs | |
WHITE | Sacred ro the memory of John | G [Grove] WHITE Esqr MD Spa Hill | who departed this life January | 13th 1834 aged 74 yrs | This monument was erected by | his beloved wife as a mark | of affectiona and to record | her memory of a Truly just | … [Limerick Evening Post 29 July 1831: In Dublin, John Grove WHITE, Esq MD of Spa Hill, co Limerick, to Sophia youngest daughter of the late Joseph MILLIKEN, Esq] |
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