Melancholy Story:—Recently a married woman named Anne MADDEN, whose husband had been in America for the last three or four years, gave birth to two illegitimate children at her residence at Annameadle. There was no one in the house with the woman at the time but her mother, who, from her great age (being upwards of 80 years old), was unable to render any assistance, and her daughter, wishing to conceal her shame, would not call in other aid. The result was that she and the two infants were found dead in the bed next morning. T. T. ABBOTT, Esq, coroner, held an inquuest on the bodies, when after the examination of the woman's mother, and Dr. FRITH, of this town, the jury returned a verdict that "Anne MADDEN died in childbirth, caused by her concealing the fact of her being in labour; that one of the infants was dead when born, and that the other appeared to have lost its life through neglect."—Nenagh Guardian |