Sir Charles Henry COOTE, Bart. A minor, by the Rev. Ralph CARR, his grandfather and next friend, Plaintiff.
Elizabeth Anne COOTE, Widow, and others defendants.
Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Chancery in this cause, bearing the date the seventh day of February 1806, I will on Friday the 27th day of May instant, at obe o’clock, in the afternoon, at my Chambers on the Inns Quay, Dublin, Set by Public Cantto the highest and fairest bidder, in separate divisions, for the term of four years and a half, from the first of May inst. Provided the Plaintiff, Sir Charles Henry COOTE, Bart. Shall so long live, that part of the lands of Ballykilmurry, lately held by Constantine MOLLOY, containing 148A. 1R. 30 P.; and also that part of the lands of Ballykilmurry, lately held by Eric BRYAN and sons, containing 49A. 2R. And 20P.; and also part of the same lands of Ballykilmurry, called Kilfolla, lately held by John SPOLLON, containing 72A. 3R. 10P. All situate in the King’s County. Ans also the lands of Ratanagh, containing 75A. 1R. 39P. Drimgaffane, containing 50A. 23P. And Muckenagh, containing 88A. 35P. With the island in Lake Grange, belonging thereto, containing 2A. 20P. Situate in the parish of Killglass, Barony of Ballintobber and countyof Roscommon. — Dated this 16th day of May, 1808.
Steuart KING.
Applications to be made to Messrs. FURLONG and CHAMBERS, Plaintiff’s Solicitors, No 60, Aungier-Street, Dublin