To Be sold The whole or in lots, For the Payment of all claims on the BANKS of Messrs. BRUCE, of Limerick and Charleville, all that capityal estate, known by the name of KILBOLANE, Situate five miles west of Charleville. This estate contains several Townlands, lying altogether, and comprising 1462 Acres, i Rood and 28 Perches, of very good land, 1000 Acres were set in 1802 for 21 years, And one concurrent life—the remainder is held under Old Leases; two for 3 lives, and two for ever. The present Rent clear of Temporary Abatements made in 1816, is £2378 11s 2d. As the value of this estate Far exceeds the claims on the Banks, There can be no doubt od a TITLE to the Purchaser. Mr. FISHER, of Charleville, the Agent, will shew the Rental and the Lands, He will also shew TWO other ESTATES, namely, Bowensford and Nugents, The property of George Evans BRUCE, Esq. Either of which would be sold, if preferred to the Lilbolane Estate. For further information, apply by letter to George Evans BRUCE, Esq. Limerick; or to Boles REEVES, Esq. Clare-st, Dublin. June 6. |