Freeman's Journal

26 June 1861

  June 21, in Listowel Church, by the Rev. E. M. DENNY, rector, assisted by the Rev. J M'EWEN, Henry Gordon GIBSON, Esq., second son of John GIBSON; Esq., Moray place, Edinburgh, to Lizzie, eldest daughter of Major Murray HOME, J.P., Gurtenard House, Listowel.  The bride was accompanied to church by seven bridesmaids—namely, Miss PURDON, the Misses HOME, Miss ELLIS, the Misses HUNT, and Miss HEWSON, After the ceremony a splendid dejeuner a la fourchette was served up at Gurtenard to a select company, including Wm. Talbot CROSBIE, Esq., D.L., Ardfert Abbey,; R. ELLIS, Esq., J.P., Abbeyfeal; Captain R. A. O'DONNELL, R.M., Listowel; Alexander ELLIOTT, Esq., J.P., Tannavalla; G. R. BROWNE, Esq., J.P., Listowele; Richard C HARTNETT, Esq., solicitor, Listowel; George HEWSON, Esq., Ennismore; Rev. J. M'EWEN, Listowel, &c., and a large number of ladies and gentlemen, friends of the bride, whose names we did not learn.  At four o'clock, p.m., the happy pair left Gurtenard House, for Killarney, en route to the Continent.  The dejeuner was furnished by Mrs. FITZGERALD, of Cork, and for excellence of viands and superiority of wines and liqueures was unequalled.—Correspondent

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