A most melancholy occurrence took place a few nights ago at Ballybricken, in this county; a Mr. Thos. MITCHELL, when leaving home to attend a wedding of his sister, gave directions to his servant to take particular care of the house in his absence, and if any illdisposed persons should attempt to enter the house, or demand fire-arms, that he should sesist them in every possible way, and rather lose his life than comply with their wishes.  J. MITCHELL, brother to the above, having re-returned in a day or two, between two and three in the morning, in company with some others, and wanti8ng to satisfy himself if the servant was alert, amde a good deal of noise on their approaching the house, and disguising his vooice, demanded the fire-arms and a saddle, which the servant peremptorily refused; and an altercation having ensued, the result proved fatal to the supposed assailant, as the servant discharged a loaded gun at him, which instantly deprived him of life; the having been loaded with heavy duck-shot, another of the party was slightly touched on the knee, and some buttons tore out from the coat od a thirs. This catastrophe should serve as a cautionary lesson to all persons disposed to tamper with the feelings of others, on the presumption of their want of sufficient courage or strength of mind, to protect themselves or their property, as it is a well known fact, that its frequently happens, that men of the most quiet demeanour and the least appearance of personal bravery, prove the most desparate antagonists, when necessity urges them to the proof. |