Limerick General Advertiser

16 November 1819

Murder of the Rev. Mr. MULQUEEN

  The following is a literal copy of the Inquistion, held on the body of the lamented Rev. Jno. MULQUEEN, Parish Priest of Ballinvana, &c. (as stated in our last), with the depositions of the witnesses examined thereon:
County of Limerick to Wit.}   An Inquisition taken at Fantstown, in the county of Limerick, the ninth day of November, on thousand eight hundred and nineteen, before Charles BENNETT and James BENNETT, Esqrs., two of the Coroners of our Sovereign Lord King, for the said county, on view of the body of the Rev. John MULQUEEN, Parish Priest of Ballinvana, then and there lying dead, on the oaths of
 Samuel ADAMS,
 William SARGENT,
 Michael WALSH,
 William GUBBINS,
 George MARKS,
 Joseph WIGGINS,
 Dennis CARROLL,
 Thomas WELDON
Good and lawful men of the said county, who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists, and charged to enquire, and find, for our said Lord the King, when, wher, how, and by what means the said Rev. John MULQUEEN came to his death, do say and find, that the said Rev. John MULQUEEN was wilfully, and unlawfully murdered on the lands of Killbreedy, from gun-shot wounds, he received on the left side of his breast, about the hour of nine o'clock in the afternoon of the eight of November, instant, from some person or persons as yet unknown.
  In Witness whereof, as well the said Coroners as the Jurors aforesaid, have hereunto put their hands and seals, the day and year first above written
  [Here follow the signatures of the above highly respectable Jury.]
  Taken before us the day and year aforesaid.
  Charles BENNETT
  The deposition of James CLIFFORD, taken the 9th Nov. 1819, before us:--Deposeth & saith, that on the evening of the 8th instant, at about the hour of between 8 and 9 o'clock, he met an armed party of men near Kilbreedy, of about five or six persons who desired him to clear the way, upon which he and a man of the name Wm. CLIFFORD, who was with him, went to one side of the road; in a few minutes after, the Rev. John MULQUEEN overtook them, and asked this deponent if he knew who they were that passed, and upon this deponent saying he did not, he, the Rev. John MULQUEEN said he would go and find out who they were, upon which he followed them---and in a short time they heard a shot fired; and found that the Rev. John MULQUEEN had received two gunshot wounds on the left side of his breast of whiuch he died in about an hour.


  Deponent bound in the penalty of £25 to prosecute the above, at the next assizes for the County of Limerick.
  Charles BENNETT
  The deposition of Nancy RYAN, taken before us this 9th day of November, 1819:--Deposeth & saith, that on the night of the 8th instant, as she was getting her supper, a party of men came to the door of her house abd desired her to put out her light, or of she did not they would have her life; upon which, through fear, she did so; in a short time after she heard two shots fired, at a distance from her house---that in a short time after this deponent heard that the Rev. John MULQUEEN was shot on the lands of Kilbreedy, a distanc of about 50 perches from her said house.

Nancy (her X mark) RYAN

  Informant bound in the sum of £20, to prosecute those, her depositions, at the next assizes for the County of Limerick.
  Charles BENNETT
  The several other persons were examined, that might be supposed to throw light on this subject, nothing has come out to lead to the discovery of the persons concerned.  Subscriptions, in that neighbourhood, to the amount of £300, have already been entered into; and in a few days, will be considerably augmented; and from the exertions of the neighbouring Magistrates & Coroners, Charles and James BENNETT, Esqrs., no doubt can be entertained of the final success of their apprehension.  This lkamented Gentleman was in the habit of reprimanding and advising the idle and dissolute of his parish, to change their line of conduct, and actually died a martyr to the good of his country.
Further Particulars.
  We have been creditably informed that the remains of the above lamented Gentleman, have been truly shocking to the eye of the most hardened beholder; the wound on his breast has been very large, a musket ball having passed near his heart; and below said wound was another of less magnitude, inflicted by a slug, which originally was part of the handle of a spoon.&mbsp; We trust from the subscriptions set on foot, and the well known zeal of the deceased, that every man who respectsa his God, and has any veneration for the Ministers of the Gospel, that they will join hand in hand in bringing to punishment those sacrilegeous wretches.

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