We are sorry to hear, that some unpleasant
affair occurred yesterday, in St. John's Church-yard, at the burial of Mr. Durack.
As the affair is represented in various forms, we decline
noticing it further, until we can have the facts duly authenticated. Since writing the above we have received the following from the Vicar of it. John's: — To the Editor of The Limerick Chronicle. SIR, As publicity must naturally attach to a circumstance which took place yesterday afternoon, is St. John's church-yard. I beg through the medium of your Paper, to state the fact as it occurred. On or about live o'clock, the remains of the late Captain Durack arrived for interment at the above Church, attended by a large number of friends. My attendance on the occasion not being necessary, I was looking frons my window, when my Sexton came to inform me that a Roman Catholic Priest, is canonica habit, was officiating in my church-yard, and he had been struck by some person to him unknown, when he forbid his proceeding. This being reported to me, I felt called upon to come forward— on going into the church-yard, I there found the Rev. Mr. M'Carthy, (whether Parish Priest, or Curate of Tarbert, I am not prepared to say) habited as above, going through the service of his church— I called upon him to desist, and warned him of the consequence a breach of the law—all to no purpose, as he persevered amid cries of "Go on, we will die to a man, until you finish;" while some few cried "Stop." To speak of the manner in which I was myself treated, would be to mention all that was insulting and disrespectful, in the highest degree; jostling mod pushing, and the opprobrious epithets, "Heretic, &c." Finding I had little to expect, I was induced to call on the militry stationed in the neighbourhood, to protect me in my own Church-yard; but, no sooner had they come, than I ordered them away, determining with myself to withdraw, conceiving my duty was done, in forbidding this violation of the Law; which I did, amidst groans and hisses. A bye stander, has informed me, that when that service, commenced and carried on is defiance of my remonstrance, was concluded, a general cry of "thank God, we have put them down" prevailed. I have the honor to be, Sir. &c. &c. John FITZ-GIBBON. February 18th, 1824. |
To the Editor of The Limerick Chronicle. Sir—Having read in The Irish Observer of Wednesday, what pretends to be a statement of the occurren ce which took place in St. John's Church-yard on the evening if Thursday last, and which I am not surprised to find anonmously from its incorrectness—I beg accept your insertion in your impartial and liberal Paper of the enclosed affadavit, sworn before the Mayor of Limerick, which will, I trust, prove to the public that I did not give to the military any orders "To drive Priest and people, friends and relatives, from the fresh grave of their deceased kinsman"—my individual protection being the nious motive by which I was actuaqted in calling on the military, finding I had none to expect from those by whom I was surrounded. I thank the Editor for the insertion of that part wherein it is allowed that "The Priest continued in defiance of my sober remonstrance;" and hope (as it will be necessary) that he will feel no hesitation in supporting this—the only occuring part of this sentiment. As for the long and garbled report in another Paper of this date, I shall treat it with the contempt it deserves— it being a tissue of falsehood and prejudice. With this transaction, in this way, I have now done, And have the honor to be, Sir, Your Obedient servant, John FITZ-GIBBON. February 20th, 1824. |