This is the birth brief of Robert GRAHAM
Who is person 11 in generation 6
Name: Robert GRAHAM Born: c 10 Sep 1810 Place: Kippen Scotland DoM: 5 Aug 1835 Place: Kilmadock Scotland Died: 2 Nov 1874 Place: Tantilla Queensland Other: family Spouse: Mary FORBES |
Name: Robert GRAHAM Born: ?21 Apr 1774 Place: KIlmadock Scotland DoM: 20 Dec 1799 Place: Kippen Scotland Died: Place: Other: family |
Name: ? John GRAHAM Born: c1750 Place: DoM: c1770 Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Agness? ?? Born: c 1750 Place: DoM: c 1770 Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Christina YUILL Born: c 1780 Place: Kippen Scotland DoM: 20 Dec 1799 Place: Kippen Scotland Died: Place: Other: |
Name: ? John or Robert YUILL Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: ?Jean ? BUCHANAN Born: Place: DoM: ?19 Jul 1778 Place: ?Buchanan STI Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |