Nick Reddan – tools and macros
Excel file for maintaining a birth brief and a birth brief web site
Nick's macro index tools for Word
Revised and extended version of the next set of tools
A excel macro workbook to help indexing of a PDF file
It indexes what is in the clipboard in various ways.
Index family name first in word or open office See later version above
My normality: a Word Template file with a number of useful macros Right click and save target rather than opening
A macro Excel file to create a web site of the photos in a folder
Place in the same folder as your photos. Create two images that are 250px square for the toip of the page. There are buttons to gather a list of the jpeg files in your folder and a place to add a caption. Pressing a button will produce a html file with the thumbnails and caption with links to the larger versions of the pictures. A sample of the output is here