This is the birth brief of Catherine CALNAN
Who is person 56 in generation 6
Name: Catherine CALNAN Born: London Place: DoM: 18 Jul 1841 156/1841 V1841156 44B Place: Port Macquarie (Banns) Died: 22 Nov 1870 NSW 4202/1870 Place: Taree Other: Spouse: Thomas DYBALL |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |