This is the birth brief of ??Elizabeth PALMER??
Who is person 110 in generation 7
Name: ??Elizabeth PALMER?? Born: Place: DoM: ??8 Aug 1803 Place: ?? Smallburgh, Norfolk, England Died: Place: Other: Spouse: ??Philip DYBALL |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |