This is the birth brief of Mary KNOWLES
Who is person 38 in generation 8
Name: Mary KNOWLES Born: ? c 21 Jul 1754 Place: ? Whalley DoM: 26 Oct 1776 Place: Altham Lancs England Died: Place: Other: Spouse: Daniel HAWTHORN |
Name: ?John KNOWLES Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |