This is the birth brief of ?William SWAN
Who is person 99 in generation 8
Name: ?William SWAN Born: ?? Place: Killreesh Co Dublin DoM: Place: Died: <1791 Place: Dublin Other: m(1) 1730 Frances HORNISH Spouse: Jane LEES or LEE |
Name: ?Edward SWAN Born: Place: DoM: 4 Place: Dublin Died: 5 Place: Kilreesk Dublin Other: |
Name: Edward SWAN Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: 1680 or 1687? Place: Dublin Other: |
Name: ??William SWAN Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: Dorothy ?? Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | |||
Name: ?Jane BELLINGHAM Born: Place: DoM: 4 Place: Dublin Died: <1733 Place: Other: |
Name: Sir Daniel BELLINGHAM Born: Place: Ireland DoM: Place: Ireland? Died: c27 Apr 1672 Place: Dublin Ireland Other: Kt and Bart |
Name: Robert BELLINGHAM Born: Place: Helsington or Levens Westmrld DoM: Place: ?Meath Ireland Died: Place: Kendal Other: | |
Name: Margaret WHYTE Born: Place: Clongell Co Meath DoM: Place: Died: 11 Nov 1668 Place: ?Dublin Other: | |||
Name: Jane BARLOW Born: Place: Little Toghill, Cheshire DoM: Place: Ireland? Died: Place: Ireland? Other: |
Name: Richard BARLOW Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: | ||
Name: Born: Place: DoM: Place: Died: Place: Other: |