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Relocated Monumental Stones at Charleville CoI Church

Bruce Vault crest
To the memory | of | William Hamilton OSWALD | Only son | of | William & Lucy OSWALD | who Departed this life | the 14 Day of June | 1857 | Aged 53 years | And he was not for God took him | Gen. V 24 | T BOLSTER
Erected | To the Memory of | Henry Francis ALLEN | (Barrister at law) Esqr | Who Departed this life the | 23rd day of October 1840 | Also | His Son Jonathan who died | the 23rd of June 1837 | Aged 12 Years
ALSO | In Memory of Mary IAMESON [JAMESON] | Wife to the above Hugh JAMESON | who died Janry 12th A:D: 1777 aged 65 | Pause here ye Modish Matrons of the Age | (Or Lurd by Vice of follys madd'ng sage | Pause and instructed by an humble Stone | Go learn to make this character your own | I Interests a Woman just without Pretense | Pure in her Friendship We Y with plain good sense | Who nevr grew giddy orr Anibition n?? | Nor once vere gave to Vanity a Si??h | Content in Pease to walk through private life | the Guardian Mother and the Tending wife |These Parts performed she piously With ?? | Share the bright rewards she had in Vit?y
Sacred | to the memory | of | John Owen ROWLAND | Born 12th November 1853 | Died 22nd August 1867 | The beloved son of | R. ROWLAND Supervisor | of Inland Revenue | of this town| [verse]
Sacred | to the memory of | John William | second son of | Thomas and Alicia CRABB | of Cheadle Stafordshire | who departed this life | the 23rd of May 1849 | aged ten months
??? | whose mammer | by | gentleness | and whoise religion | by | principle |
Erected | by | David George HEGGINS | District Inspector of R. I. Constabulary | in affectionate memory | of his beloved wife Emily | who died at Tulla Co Clare | 6th June 1881 aged 45 years | safe in the arms of Jesus | also of her father | John ROBINSON | who died 12th May 1870 | aged 67 years | also of her brother | James Joseph ROBINSON | who died 7 April 1878 | Also her Mother | ?? ROBINSON | who died ?? ?? 1872 | aged ??
Erected by | Michl BRENNAN | in memory of his Son | Michael | who depd this life | Decr 24th 1855 | aged 9 year | Thy Will be don O God
Sacred | to the memory | of | Jane | the infant daughter of | William MORRIS Esqr | Londonderry Bog | who | died 16th March 1809
In memory of | Charlotte FEZIERIES | Mother of Samuel FEZIERIES | ??? Wife of ?? | who fell asleep ?? | Jany 16 ??
Sacred | to the memory of | Anne KNOWLES who | deptd life June 29th | 1810 Aged 71 years | Also her Husband | ?? KNOWLES | Depd life ?? 1819 | aged 82
To the memory | of | Mary Purcell COTTER | the beloved child of | the Revd Jos P COTTER | and Mary COTTER | she fell asleep in Jesus | on the 5th day of January | 1838 | Blessed are ...
Erected by | Christopher WARD | in memory of his father | Timothy | who departed this life | April 5th 1859 | aged 80 years
This | family Monument | was erected | by | Hen. U Chp SANSERS | of |Charleville | 1780
Sacred | to the memory of | Maria DEANE | of Gurtshagh | who died the 19th of January | 1879 | aged 38 years
The burial place of the | BATWELL family | Feb 1840 [on the above ground vault see photo below]
Erected by | Joseph BOLSTER | to the memory of his beloved wife | Jane | She dept this life on the 15th | day of September 1847 | also his daughter Alice | deptd life Sepr 20th | 18 40
Here lies the Partner of my life | a tender Mother and dutuous wife | ..[no name]
Erected by | Peter T NOLAN | in memory of his | son Michl Stuart | NOLAN who died | Novr 26th 1877
This stone was erected by | ?? Als WARREN in | Memory of her Ev_att_ of | beloved Husband Ml CLIAMLO | who dept life ?? 1801 aged 53 ...
Erected by Mary | SANDES in Memory of | her beloved Husband | Edward SANDES who | Dept life May the 3, 1802 | Aged 45 yrs
William FITZGERALD | erected this | in memory of his | son Willm | died Feb 15th 1841 | aged 5 years
Sacred to | the Memory of | James PARKER | who died | 1845 aged | 5 Years
Sacred | to the memory | of Joseph HAVTE | Late son of Stepn | HOVTE 2nd Regt of | Foot who depd life | Decr the @0th 1821 | aged 9 months
This Stone was | Erected by Mary | VALLANCE als WARREN | to memory of her | dutiful son Mr John | Vallence WARREN | depd life May Ye 20th | 1799 Aged ? Years
In | loving memory | of | Edmond Duckworth SANDERS | who died September 27th 1915 | aged 47 | "Thy will be done"
[large design] Sacred to the Memory of William | ROBERTS Esqr of Charleville in the | County of Cork who departed | life Ye 13th Decr 1791 Aged 66
Sacred | to the memory of | John MYERS | Corporal in the Grenadier Comp | 27th Enniskillen Regt | who died in this town while on | march from Limerick to | ?? A few hours ?? | ?? 15 June 1832 | aged 20 Yrs | This stone was erected by the Off | and men of the Grenadier Company
Jane DUDLEY | Erected this monument | to the memory | of her affectionat Husband | Thomas DUDLEY | ??e of Charleville | who departed this life | ? Day of Feb ?? | aged 70 yrs [Stone broken and missing bits]
Erected by Edward HAINE in Memory | of | children | Edward Decr 3rd 1865 | aged 2 years | Margaret March 30th 1865 | aged 17 years | also his niece | Elizabeth B HAINES | Jany 31st 66 aged 19 years
In | loving Memory | of | Charles Furlong HARDING | died Oct. 23rd 1912 | also | His wife Diliana | died Nov. 8th 1912 | and their little daughter | Georgina Bevan | died May 30th 1895 | safe in the arms of Jesus
The graveyard with a above ground and a ground level vault.
The graveyard showing two unmarked vaults.
View to the back of the Church now a branch of the County Cork Library